The Art of Letting Go
The Art of Letting Go: Writing as a Release
“Write hard and clear about what hurts.” – Ernest Hemingway
We carry so much within us—memories, regrets, emotions that sit heavy on our shoulders. Sometimes, they become part of the background noise, easy to ignore until they demand attention. But writing gives us a way to release them, to shape them into something we can understand, or at least, something we can let go of.
Why Writing Helps Us Release
Words have power. They can capture the things we struggle to say aloud, transform tangled emotions into something tangible, and offer closure we didn’t know we needed. Whether it’s poetry, journaling, or free writing, putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys) is an act of externalizing the internal—giving form to what once felt formless.
Writing isn’t just about crafting beautiful lines; it’s about honesty. Sometimes, the rawest, messiest, most unpolished words are the ones that help us move forward.
Today’s Prompt: Letting Go
Think about something you’ve been holding onto—an old wound, a lingering doubt, a version of yourself that no longer serves you. Then, write about releasing it.
- Describe it: What does it feel like? What color, texture, or weight does it have?
- Personify it: If your burden had a voice, what would it say?
- Set it free: Write about leaving it behind. What changes once it’s gone?
Your piece can be a poem, a short prose reflection, or even a single powerful line. The format doesn’t matter—only the act of writing it out and letting it go.
Share Your Words
If you feel comfortable, post your response in The Murder community space. Your words might resonate with someone else who needs to hear them. After all, writing isn’t just about personal healing—it’s about connection.
Let’s let it go, together.
My real ‘release’ poem was also the first one I read at a spoken poetry event.
Let Them
Let them think you’re crazy
Let them see you as unhinged
Let them tell you your dreams are too wild
Let them complain that you’re too much
Let them disappoint you
Let them be close minded
Let them show you their selfishness
Let them make you the villain
Let them call you tacky
Let them say you’re too loud
Let them ghost you
Let them lie to you
Let them tell you you’re wrong
Let them tell you you can’t do it
Let them doubt you
Let them tell others you’re the problem
Let them be mean
Let them create their own narrative
Let them be their own misery
Let them go
And then
Let yourself dance
Let yourself sing
Let yourself show kindness
Let yourself take up space
Let yourself wear what you want
Let yourself shine brighter than them
Let yourself be wild
Let yourself be fearless
Let yourself give love to yourself
Let yourself remember who you are
Let yourself learn new things even if it’s hard
Let yourself mess up
Let yourself be confident
Let yourself be heard
Let yourself be humble
Let yourself chase your biggest dreams
Let yourself find yourself
Let yourself LOVE yourself
Let yourself BE yourself
And never let them tell you you’re anything else.