Love Is..
Happy Tuesday, everyone!
I’m here with a prompt for you all!
I want to know what little moments made you feel loved. Let me know below what ‘Love Is’ to you!
Love Is…
Love is that random hug from your favorite person right when you need it.
Love is words on a coffee cup handwritten by a kind soul sent to deliver a message.
Love is that little wave and bright smile when they see you walk into a room.
Love is a kind friend opening their space for you to bloom in your own light.
Love is 4 paws and a ferocious butt wiggle every time you pull in the driveway.
Love is ‘I saw this and thought of you’ and it fits just right.
Love is coffee in your favorite mug made just how you like it.
Love is walking in your truth, even when people cast doubt.
Love is ‘your presence is missed’ when you’re not in a room.
Love is showing up on a Saturday to shovel rocks to make a community space better.
Love is hot tea for everyone with every ‘break a leg’.
Love is ‘sing it from your stomach’ when you get stuck in your head voice.
Love is ‘you give the best hugs, they always make me feel better’.
Love is listening with all your senses.
Love is a helping hand up when you’ve hit rock bottom.
Love is the way their little feet run to hug you when they see you again.
Love is hearing ‘you got this’ when it really doesn’t feel like it.
Love is ‘just let them be them. It always works out’.
Love is ‘I really wish you could be here’.
Love is that random check in to make sure you’re ok.
Love is knowing when to let go when it no longer serves your higher self.
Love is ‘I really appreciate you’