Poetry Prompt: The Language of Crows

Crows are clever, watchful, and full of secrets. If they could speak our language—or if we could understand theirs—what stories would they tell?

The Prompt: The Language of Crows

Write a poem from the perspective of a crow delivering an important message. Who are you speaking to? Is your message a warning, a prophecy, a love letter, or something else entirely? Does the recipient understand, or is your meaning lost in translation?

Ideas to Spark Your Writing

✦ Imagine yourself perched on a windowsill at dawn, delivering a cryptic message to a poet still half-asleep.
✦ Think of a crow as a messenger between worlds—what knowledge might it carry?
✦ Play with sound and rhythm to mimic the sharp calls and whispers of a crow’s voice.
✦ Write in short, fragmented lines, like scattered feathers on the wind.

logo of a black crow with jeweled type decorations. the crow looks like it's about to land with its wings spread wide.

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