Poetry Prompt

a bright star with a galaxy type background and a golden string woven through based off the invisible string theory

The Invisible String: Metaphors in Poetry

“The Invisible String” There’s a theory that we are all connected by invisible strings—threads of fate, love, memory, and time that weave us together, even when we can’t see them. The idea comes from folklore, from whispers of destiny, from the unshakable feeling that some connections exist beyond logic. Maybe you’ve felt it before—a sudden…

a sunset background with mountains in the distance. in the foreground is what appears to be a girls arm and feathers floating around

The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go: Writing as a Release “Write hard and clear about what hurts.” – Ernest Hemingway We carry so much within us—memories, regrets, emotions that sit heavy on our shoulders. Sometimes, they become part of the background noise, easy to ignore until they demand attention. But writing gives us a way to…

image of crow landing on stack of books with words love is. there is a flock of crows flying behind the words

Love Is..

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I’m here with a prompt for you all! I want to know what little moments made you feel loved. Let me know below what ‘Love Is’ to you! Love Is… Love is that random hug from your favorite person right when you need it. Love is words on a coffee cup handwritten…